Monday, 7 March 2016

WorldMAC Games 2016 INDIA.

*All martial arts disciplines and events are organized by WorldMAC India
There have been many comments recently regarding the growing number of World Championships involving the martial arts, and an even greater number of people claiming to be World Champions.  It appears there is now a World Championship almost every week in one country or another, which is a totally ludicrous situation.
The World Martial Arts Council spent a considerable time communicating with government officials of most countries, and in 1996 commissioned the writing of the ‘WorldMAC Games Charter’ and this is the intellectual property of the WorldMAC Foundation, as are the WorldMAC Games.
The WorldMAC Games Executive Board has now established the necessity of only one World Championship to include all competitive martial arts, and events relating to their associated cultures.  These events will be staged annually on similar lines to the Olympic Games, and as the concept grows and develops, all competitors must have participated in regional and national tournaments within their own countries.  
It is not possible for any person in any sport to attend an event, pay entry fees, and participate in any world event without going through an arduous selection process involving fully sanctioned qualifying stages at regional, state or county, and national levels.  The WorldMAC Games Executive Board sanctions all qualifying events through the WMAC National Representatives in each country, which enables all competitors to progress through an internationally accepted selection process.  To become a World Champion in any martial art entails competing against individuals from all countries, and not at a gathering of local martial arts clubs that offers worthless titles, usually at a high price in terms of travel, accommodation, and entry fees.  All international organizations, regardless of size or martial arts involved, must register with the World Martial Arts Council in order to provide internationally approved selection programmes, competitions sanctioned by the WorldMAC Games Executive Board, and to implement procedures to raise sponsorship to cover the costs of participation, travel, and accommodation for all competitors and officials.
Continuing the quest to establish true world champions, the World Martial Arts Council will stage the WorldMAC Games in partnership with national governments, and it is important these events have the full support of all nations, their respective governments, every international martial arts federation, and all national martial arts official bodies that represent the various disciplines within their own countries.  The World Martial Arts Council has conducted much research, established there is great interest in the concept of the WorldMAC Games amongst all government representatives for sport throughout the world, and many of these have pledged their support to the WMAC Executive Board.  These events consist of competitions between martial arts practitioners in individual and team events, not between countries, and bring together competitors from all championships designated for such purpose by the respective National Committees whose entries have been accepted by the WMAC Executive Board, and that compete under the technical direction of the WorldMAC Alliance and the recognised associations concerned.  The WorldMAC Games include separate competitions in all martial arts, and are staged specifically to determine real world martial arts champions that have competed against the very best from all participating countries.  It is envisaged that eventually all competitors will be sponsored by National Committees through funding obtained from their governments and business communities. 
The Second WorldMAC Games

India has been selected to host and stage the WorldMAC Games 2016, and prepatory meetings will now take place in Delhi to establish an Organizing Committee and dates for this spectacular event, which will probably take place in November 2016 to avoid the scorching summer season. 

International Martial Arts Union-IMAU

We love the martial arts. We love it like we love our children, our freedom, our history. We love the martial arts as much as we love to train, as much as we love the rush of the right technique at exactly the right moment, as much as we love the thrill of a good contest.
At Indian Institute of Martial Arts-IIMA we are committed to the entire "village" that is the world of martial arts. We are here for the fighter, the fan, the teacher, the coach, the parents, the traditionalist, the eclectic practitioner, the expert, the novice, the filmmaker, the actor, the celebrity, and the unknown master. We celebrate the diversity of our histories, of our people, of everything that is the best - of - the-best of what we do - and what we are capable of.
We believe that there is something to the study of the martial arts, something beyond the technique, beyond what takes place in the ring - something magical and interesting and important. We respect all methods, and all of the men and women on their own paths, from all the countries, from all the schools, passing down what it is they have learned or are in the process of learning.
We really love the martial arts and this site is dedicated to martial artists everywhere.We think that the martial arts world makes THE WORLD a better, safer, and more interesting place to be. We hope that we are a part of the village that helps you be a better martial artist - and as a result, a better human being."

MOBILE: +91.9874091619 | +91.9874741567
Biography of Prof.Dr.Dibendu Nag.(N.D)Chief Instructor & President:KARATE FOUNDATION OF WEST BENGAL. (KFWB)Black Belt 8Th Dan BUDOKAN

Dibendu Nag the anarchy is born and brought up in Calcutta/Arunachal Pradesh/shillong where he received his education/practice/training at his childhood. Mr.Dibendu Nag cleared his high school study in 1987 from New Delhi. He received his BSC in physics and philanthropy from oxford university and established national open school NOS in 1992 & IGNOU in 1993. Dr.Dibendu Nag is the founder /father of distance education& open education under the University Grant Commission UGC. In 1988 Prof.Dr. Dibendu Nag received his engineering Degree from Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology (HIET) and completed three years of Post-Graduate study in practical physics and quantum physics from Harvard university in 1995. And take the responsibility of the Institute of Engineers(INDIA). He have also done PHD in human rights-Human Resources from the United Nation Institute for Training And Research. unitar in 1999 and join the UN as director general. Prof.Dr.Dibendu Nag have received his MD from the Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine. IIAM in 2003 and invented Tele-medicine for all therapy. Prof.Dr.Dibendu Nag is the tenant of IT(Internet-Technology) & IT of 21st century information technology. He is also probably known as the king of mass media & multimedia. At present he is in United Nation & NATO as the director general of UN peace keeping force. Prof.Dr.Dibendu Nag is also a sportsman with a vision of healthcare and Olympics sports data. He is the champion of the world anti-doping agency. WADA and executive member of IOC & ICC . Dr. Nag have completed his martial arts training under the supervision of master chew choo soot and received sachidan 8th Dan Red Black belt. He is also the six sigma black belt management professional and the pioneer of the world black belt bureau.
Prof.Dr.Dibendu Nag started his martial arts training at the early vintage year of 1976; since he came across Chinese Kempo Karate and the Traditional Budokan Karate International Foundation was founded jointly by Kyoshi Mr.Dibyendu Nag & Grandmaster Mr.Chew Choo Soot in 1991, together with several similarly-minded people, forming the World Budokan Federation. WBF since 1995. The three ideograms of Budokan stands for Stability, Hardness, Thoroughness, house & home. Budokan is a house with Solid Foundations. Kuan Bu-Ik Wushu Koon International. KBIWKI encompasses personal, moral and ethical guidelines identical to those described by our Grandmaster Sir.

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